About Me

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In 1943 I was drafted into World War 11 right out of Madison High School, Rochester, NY. This is my story as told in the letters I wrote home. They’re all here, all 192 of them. Spend some time with me as I describe my experiences in basic training and then off to war. They were written in an attempt to help me feel close to my family and to let them know what was going on in my life. It’s the first time I was away from home and I have to confess that I was homesick. My folks were Esther and Jacob Kaplow. We were four children in this order: Arnette, Ruth, Bob, and myself.

Tough Subjects

Ben is at the University of Connecticut for the Army Specialized Training Program.  The program covers a number of subjects in a very short period of time, a big challenge for a June high school graduate without any background in one or more of the subjects.

October 14, 1943   
Storrs, Connecticut

Dear Folks,
I’m only dropping you this “jeep” cause I haven’t got time to write a full length letter.  Got to get on my homework.  And what homework!!  Right now I have issued to me 10 books with two more to come.

Every subject is going to be tough.  Especially the math & physics.  What we take up in one hour normally takes up from one to two weeks in high school.  That trigonometry sure is hard, but I’m getting a little help from some of the fellows.  Physics, which is probably the most important subject, has the worst teachers, in the opinion of the last cycle & I confirm it. 

Everybody takes for granted that you should know the stuff right away.  In the last cycle, out of 400, 150 flunked out.  I got a bunch of mail tonight but I don’t see how I’ll ever get it answered, cause they give us homework over the weekend, too.  This is all the time I can afford.


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