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In 1943 I was drafted into World War 11 right out of Madison High School, Rochester, NY. This is my story as told in the letters I wrote home. They’re all here, all 192 of them. Spend some time with me as I describe my experiences in basic training and then off to war. They were written in an attempt to help me feel close to my family and to let them know what was going on in my life. It’s the first time I was away from home and I have to confess that I was homesick. My folks were Esther and Jacob Kaplow. We were four children in this order: Arnette, Ruth, Bob, and myself.

March - Light Pack

Almost two weeks in camp, Ben reveals his commitment to letter writing when he decided not to write, “But then” he says, “ I remembered how it felt to receive mail.”  So begins Ben’s dedication to keep his family informed with his letters.   And here, coming from a Kosher home, he has to adjust to having spareribs every nite or at least every day, by trying to eat supper at the P.X.  Gradually his diet will change.

July 9, 1943
Camp Croft, S. C. 
Wed. Nite

Hello Folks,

Just a brief note to let you know what’s been happening to me.  It’s 10 minutes before lights out so I wasn’t going to write, but I remembered how it felt to receive mail, so --- .  Yesterday & today we were marching & drilling with light packs, gas masks, cartridge belt, & Bayonet, & rifle.  Boy, did I sweat & I wasn’t the only one.  It was so hot that there was even sweat under the watch.  We even had a trial run on the obstacle course. 
I don’t think I’ll ever be a commando.  We had rifle drill all day - executing the Manuel of Arms & taking it apart.  I just finished cleaning my rifle.  I’ll get hell if it doesn’t pass inspection in the morning.  We see 1 or 2 training films a day.  Very interesting.
Perhaps I didn’t mention it before but there are two Rochester fellows in my company, one in my barracks.  Both are alumnus of Madison.  One kid named Zander lived near Plymouth.  I haven’t time to answer Bob’s questions, maybe later.  Oh yeah, I cleaned windows upstairs, too.    

Thurs. Noon.............Lights went out so I’ll finish now.  This morning I was starved but I just came back from having the best meal I’ve had here.  Hamburg, whole kernel corn, pickles, lemonade, pie & ice cream & potatoes.  We usually have spareribs every nite or at least every day, so I’m going to eat supper at the P.X. (Post Exchange).  We had quite a rain last night so it was pretty cool today.  We had bayonet drill today & discussion on Booby Traps. Also had exercise.


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