About Me

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In 1943 I was drafted into World War 11 right out of Madison High School, Rochester, NY. This is my story as told in the letters I wrote home. They’re all here, all 192 of them. Spend some time with me as I describe my experiences in basic training and then off to war. They were written in an attempt to help me feel close to my family and to let them know what was going on in my life. It’s the first time I was away from home and I have to confess that I was homesick. My folks were Esther and Jacob Kaplow. We were four children in this order: Arnette, Ruth, Bob, and myself.

Bayonet Drill

“Rhett Butler”  was one of Ben’s buddies who was very adept with his rifle.  He was from the South and reminded Ben of the Rhett Butler from “Gone With the Wind.” In the Army about 6 weeks.

August 3 1943
Camp Croft     
Monday Nite

Hi Folks,
Well I got another night off.  Feels wonderful just to lay around and talk with the fellows.  Guess I’ll take a walk over to the Beer Garden and get a Pepsi later on.  Tomorrow nite is grass cutting detail and Wednesday is a compass problem.  That should be fun.  But, gee, I wanted to have one of those nites free because Billy Rose’s Diamond Horseshoe show is coming those two nites at the brand new outdoor theater.  I may get a chance tomorrow to see part of it, at least, I hope.

Yesterday I went in to have a steak supper.  Had a T-Bone steak but it was a little tough.  Then I saw “Her’s to Hold” with Deanna Durbin.  Pretty good. Right now they’re playing that tune that Bing sings in Dixie.  Something about Sunday, Monday or Someday.  Terrific tune, don’t you think.  Also right now, Rhett Butler is trying to take apart & put together the rifle, blindfolded.  Doing pretty good, too.

Before I forget, in the next package, send some Pepsodent Tooth Powder, but now in the glass container.  I had one but I broke it.  Also send some pipe cleaner (liquid).  The pipe cleaners that I can buy in the P.X.  (Post Exchange) are made in, guess where?  That’s right, Rochester.  But I’m not proud of them, they’re too thin.  One thing about the P,X. is that we can get toilet articles pretty cheap here.  Pepsodent tooth brush costs only 30 cents whereas in the city, it costs 49 cents.  We can also get Shaffer $12.75 pens for $8.75.

I got a 2# box of Fanny Farmer Summer Candies today from Madeline.  They’re delicious.  That’s the unanimous decision of all the boys.  That’s why I don’t lose my stomach,  I’m always eating.  That Jelly, cheese, peanut butter & bread sure hit the spot with the boys, too.  Those cookies!!  Yum, yum.  I think I’ll have enough clothes for a while so you don’t have to send any until I write you.

The weather here was pretty cool the last part of the week but it got hot again today.  We had bayonet drill, 3 hours of marksmanship.  We’ll probably get that every day this week because we go on the range next week, ju jitsu & saw “Desert Victory.”  Well, I’ve got to write a coupla more letters, so.....


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